SBCC water science student looking at ocean water.

Water Science

About Our Program

The Water Science Certificate Program is designed to serve those people employed or interested in employment in the water and/or wastewater fields and those who desire to upgrade their skills and/or receive certification from the State of California, the American Water Works Association, or the California Water Environment Association.

For further information, contact Dr. Alan Price, Dean, Educational Programs,

Program Options

Wastewater Technology Education
Water Technology Education 

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • PSL01 - Become familiar with state and federal regulations for water and wastewater treatment.
  • PSL02 - Apply mathematical problem solving techniques to water/wastewater problems.
  • PSL03 - Use scientific methods to discover, analyze and resolve water/wastewater issues.
  • PSL04 - Become knowledgeable  about processes and equipment used in water treatment, water distribution, waste water treatment and waste water collection.
  • PSL05 - Learn the principles of managing a water/wastewater utility.

Department Offices

Alan Price, Dean (A-218, ext. 5121)